Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2019

3: Vorträge, Vorlesungen, Aufsätze

Cybercrime, Hacking, Datenschutz: Was ist zu tun?!

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Vortrag von Marit Hansen
Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein

am 28.02.2019

in Kaltenkirchen


"Cybercrime, Hacking, Datenschutz: Was ist zu tun?!" vollständig lesen
Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2019

Location Services can Systematically Track Vehicles with WiFi Access Points at Large Scale

The risk of WiFi Tracking has been well recognized. New trends in the automotive industry promise a rapid growth of the number of mobile access points (and thus affected data subjects). While tracking of WiFi-users has been recognized as high potential risk, the risk has already been realized at large scale today for users of mobile access points.  In particular, two major location services are already operational today across Europe and systematically report the locations of a large percentage of mobile access points to central collection points controlled by entities outside of Europe.  Considering the high data protection risk inherent in location tracking of individuals, this raises the need for mitigation to new levels of urgency.

"Location Services can Systematically Track Vehicles with WiFi Access Points at Large Scale" vollständig lesen
Dienstag, 12. Februar 2019

Der heutige Datenschutz - was ist zu beachten?

Vortragsfolien im PDF-Format
Vortragsfolien im PDF-Format

Vortrag von Marit Hansen
Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein

am 12.02.2019

bei der Regionalkonferenz des Kreisseniorenbeirats Ostholstein in Ratekau


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